Jamaican Chicken

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  • 1 20-oz can pineapple slices

  • 6 boned, skinned half breasts of chicken

  • 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon

  • 1/2 cup boiling water

  • 1 teaspoon dry instant coffee

  • 1 10 3/4 oz can condensed cream of chicken soup

  • 1/4 lb. shredded sharp cheddar cheese


Place pineapple slices in bottom of square 2-quart baking dish. Save any extra for garnish. Top with chicken breasts. Dissolve bouillon in water and combine with coffee and soup. Pour over chicken and bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese and return to oven until cheese melts.

Recipe by Cindy Stanek, GFWC-Longmont Women's Club, Longmont, CO
Taken from the
General Federation of Women's Clubs' Centennial Cookbook