President’s Letter

Hello, DBE members and visitors to our website,

To our members: May I introduce myself as your National President and member of DBE in Pennsylvania for over 40 years. Together with my husband and 5 cats, we live in suburban Philadelphia near Valley Forge National Park.

To our visitors: Thank you for visiting our informative and interesting DBE website. We believe when you read about our heritage, the fun and friendship we enjoy, and the charities we support, you too will wish to apply for membership in our wonderful organization.

Our women’s organization was founded in 1909 when there was still a British Empire (see our History section), thus our name, Daughters of the British Empire, is a 501(c) (3) organization. Our motto was and is, “Not Ourselves but the Cause”. Today our members, or their ancestors, hail from all of the countries of the Commonwealth of Nations. Delve into our website and read all about our social and philanthropic projects and events. Our Chapters are thriving and we are expanding our reach to states and cities where no members or Chapters previously existed.

The last 2 years brought both sadness, nostalgia, and happiness to our members: After celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, we then mourned her death. This year we joined together to plan all types of events revolving around King Charles’ coronation. Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations and the ideals for which it stands have gained much media attention in recent times.

As a DBE member, you too could make new friends, and share in the joy we experience while planning and hosting fundraising activities. Our primary charitable focus is to aid the elderly by supporting our three District retirement homes and the elderly who live in our nearby communities. In addition, we raise money for other local and national 501(c)(3) charities, and partner with local organizations to aid the causes they serve.

Each year we hold a National Council Meeting, and members fly or drive in from all over the country. Next May 2025, this will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Members and guests, peruse our site, check out our States’ Facebook pages, perhaps listen to some of our Podcasts, and read about all our activities. For our newcomers, please feel free to request membership information! A member of our organizing team will reach out and make you welcome.

With all best wishes to our members and guests, I pledge to serve you to my utmost ability.

Sincerely and with love,
Susan J Gerrity
National President, 35th Administration