Lemon Cotswold Cheesecake

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  • 3 oz. butter

  • 6 oz. crushed digestive biscuits (graham cracker crumbs)

  • 1 lemon jelly (jello)

  • 6 fl. oz. hot water

  • 2 lemons, juiced

  • 6 oz. cream cheese

  • 4 oz. caster sugar


  1. Melt butter.

  2. Add crumbs.

  3. Line a 7-inch shallow dish and sides too.

  4. Dissolve jelly in water and squeeze lemons.

  5. Cream cheese and sugar together until light and beat in jelly and lemon juice.

  6. Whisk evaporated milk as stiff as possible and fold into cheese mixture.

  7. Pour into crumb base and chill.

  8. Decorate and serve.

Courtesy of member Alison Mackie, House of Lancaster Cookery Book, 1986