Gooseberry Fool

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A creamy mid-summer dessert.


  • 1 lb. fresh gooseberries, topped and tailed

  • 2-4 oz caster sugar

  • 2 tablespoons water

  • 1 teaspoon elderflower cordial (optional)

  • ¼ pint double cream

  • 2 ½ fl.oz natural yoghurt


  1. Put the gooseberries into a saucepan with sugar and water.

  2. Cover and cook gently until the gooseberries are soft.

  3. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Rub the fruit through a sieve or puree in a food processor and then sieve to remove the seeds.

  4. Stir in the elderflower cordial if desired. Whip the cream to a floppy consistency.

  5. Stir the yoghurt into the cold gooseberry puree and lastly fold in the cream.

  6. Spoon into 4 individual sundae dishes and serve with crisp sweet biscuits or sponge biscuits.

Courtesy of the “Favourite Dorset Recipes” compiled by Amanda Persey and published by J. Salmon Ltd.