Goat Brochettes

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The Republic of Rwanda is a land-locked country and forms part of the Great Rift Valley. It is known for its rugged hills and fertile volcanic soil. Typically, Rwandans do not eat at breakfast, opting for only tea to break their fast. Lunch and dinner are often served late in the day and food staples often differ between regions. The National Dish of Rwanda is the street food Goat Brochettes.  


  • 1 lb goat meat or beef cut into 1-inch cubes

  • 1 onion quartered

  • 5 fresh ripe plum tomatoes, crushed

  • 1/2 small can of tomato puree

  • 1/2 onion diced

  • 1 bouillon cube

  • 6 pili-pili chilies use any hot chili you like

  • Vegetable oil

  • Salt to taste


  1. Soak the wooden skewers in water for about 20 minutes.

  2. Form the brochettes by alternately threading meat and 2 to 3 pieces of onion onto the skewer.

  3. Mix the crushed tomatoes, the diced onions, and the pili-pili chilies (pounded to a paste) along with the tomato puree. This should create a medium-thick sauce; add a little oil and water to attain the desired consistency.

  4. Reserve half of the sauce for dipping.

  5. Put half the sauce in a pan with the skewers and turn to coat, let marinate for 30 minutes.

  6. Then lay the skewer on the grill Brush the sauce on all sides of the brochettes, adding more of the sauce as you turn them. Turn them about 3 times. Allow it to cook for about 3 minutes. The brochettes are ready when just cooked through (about 8-10 minutes) and should be a nice reddish color, due to the sauce

  7. Serve with sweet potato fries and fried plantains for an authentic Rwandan meal. Use the reserved sauce for dipping.


Recipe from internationalcuisine.com