Dorset Dough Cake

For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

This resembles a large currant bun and is best eaten when very fresh, traditionally without butter.


Bread Dough

  • 8 oz strong white flour

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • 1/3 oz butter or lard

  • 1 teaspoon dried yeast

  • 5 fl oz warm water


  • 2 oz butter, softened

  • 2 oz caster sugar

  • 4 oz mixed dried fruit

  • 1-2 teaspoons mixed spice


  1. Greased well a 6-inch round cake tin.

  2. Make 12 oz of bread dough, well-kneaded in the normal manner, cover with a clean tea towel, and set aside in the warm to rise.

  3. When it has doubled in bulk, place it on a floured surface and knock it back.

  4. Then spread or roll it out, dot it with the butter, and fold and work it into the dough.

  5. Repeat with the sugar, fruit, and spice, kneading and blending until everything is well incorporated; this results in a somewhat sticky dough.

  6. Put the dough in the tin, smooth the top, cover, and set aside to rise.

  7. As this is a rich mixture it may take 1 to 1 ½ hours to rise nearly to the top of the tin.

  8. Set oven to 100F or mark 6 and when the dough has risen, bake for 30 to 40 minutes, covering with greaseproof paper if it is browning too quickly.

  9. When done, turn out onto a wire rack and brush the top with warm sugar syrup or honey to glaze.

Courtesy of the “Favourite Dorset Recipes” compiled by Amanda Persey and published by J. Salmon Ltd.