
For a printable version of this recipe, click here.

Makes about 12


  • 10 fluid ounces milk

  • 2 fluid ounces water

  • 1 teaspoon Castor sugar

  • 1 tablespoon dried yeast

  • 8 oz strong plain flour

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • Butter for greasing rings


  • Heavy based frying pan or griddle

  • Egg cooking rings or English muffin rings


  1. Heat the milk and water together in a small saucepan until it is hand hot, then pour into a jug. Stir in the sugar and dried yeast and leave it in a warm place (over a heating vent or on top of a dryer when running). Leave for 10 to 15 minutes until there is a good frothy head on it.

  2. Meanwhile sift the flour and salt into mixing bowl. Make a well in the center and when the yeast mixture is Frothy pour it all in. Next, use a wooden spoon to work the flour into the liquid gradually and beat well at the end to make a perfect smooth batter. Cover the bowl with a tea towel and leave to stand in warm place for about 45 minutes, by which time the batter will have become light and frothy.

  3. To cook the crumpets: grease the inside of the rings well and grease the frying pan before placing it over medium heat. Arrange the rings in the frying pan and then and when the pan is hot, spoon in batter either one tablespoon for egg rings or half fill muffin rings. Cook for about four to five minutes (tiny bubbles will appear on the surface and then suddenly they will burst leaving the additional holes). Take a spoon and fork, lift off the ring, and turn the crumpet over. Cook on the other side for about one minute only. Re grease and reheat the rings and the pan before cooking the next batch of crumpets. Serve crumpets while still warm, generously buttered. If you are making crumpets in advance, then reheat them by toasting lightly on both sides before serving.

Recipe is from member Lorraine Bowring,
taken from the DBE ‘A Treasure of Recipes’ Cookbook by
DBE Idaho