Apple Custard

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Makes 4 servings.


  • 2 small sponge cakes

  • 1 egg

  • 1 large apple, baked and sieved or 1 small can apple puree

  • 1 Tbsp. sugar

  • 1/2 pt. milk


  1. Crumble the sponge cakes into a small pie dish.

  2. Cover with sieved apple pulp.

  3. Beat egg with sugar.

  4. Warm the milk and pour over the egg mixture.

  5. Strain over apple and leave to stand for about 10 minutes.

  6. Bake in a slow oven (350 F. - Gas Mark 3) until set and lightly browned, about 40 minutes.

  7. Serve either hot or cold, with extra cooked apple if liked.

Courtesy of member Rena Platt, House of Lancaster Cookery Book, 1986