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Sorrel Soup

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A light, green-colored soup; if sorrel leaves and not available, spinach makes a good substitute.


  • 1 oz butter

  • 1 onion, peeled and diced

  • 1 oz plain flour

  • 1 ½ pints chicken stock

  • 1lb. fresh sorrel (or spinach) leaves

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  • Salt and pepper

  • Single cream for swirling

  • Paprika for sprinkling


  1. Met the butter in a large saucepan, add the onion and cook gently until soft.

  2. Stir in the flour and cook for two to three minutes.

  3. Remove from the heat and add the chicken stock.

  4. Add the sorrow (or spinach) leaves, return to the heat, and cook for 5 minutes.

  5. Puree in a fruit food processor or liquidizer, return to the pan and flavour with lemon juice and season with salt and pepper.

  6. Reheat and serve hot with a swirl of cream in each bowl and a sprinkle of paprika.

Courtesy of the “Favourite Dorset Recipes” compiled by Amanda Persey and published by J. Salmon Ltd.