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Crab Tart

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A crab meat and spring onion quiche, served warm or cold, garnished with watercress.


  • 8 oz shortcrust pastry


  • 4 oz cream cheese

  • 1 medium egg

  • ¼ pint single cream

  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice

  • Salt and pepper

  • ½- ¼ lb. crab meat (mixture of white and brown meat)

  • 4 spring onions, trimmed, washed, and cut into ¼ inch slices

  • Watercress to garnish


  1. Set oven to 400 Fahrenheit or gas mark 6.

  2. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface and use to line a greased 8-inch flan ring.

  3. Prick the base with a fork, line with kitchen foil, and bake for 10 to 15 minutes.

  4. Remove the foil.

  5. For the filling, put the cream cheese into a large bowl and beat until soft.

  6. Mix in the egg, cream, lemon juice, and seasoning.

  7. Arrange the crab meat and spring onions over the base of the flan and pour over the cheese mixture.

  8. Reduce oven to 375 Fahrenheit or gas mark 5 and bake for 30 to 40 minutes until set and golden.

Courtesy of the “Favourite Dorset Recipes” compiled by Amanda Persey and published by J. Salmon Ltd.